
Year 7


Though I have only been at Denmark Road for a matter of a few months I have quickly learnt how understanding and friendly everyone is. You are allowed to be yourself no matter who that is and you get great opportunities to get to know each other too such as the bonding trip to Croft Farm and language exchanges in Year 10. The school gives us many chances to interact with the older students too, for example we get assigned a Year 12 student as a mentor to guide us.

I love getting to explore who I am. There are a huge variety of clubs, instruments, books and 3 languages to choose from. I am part of the following clubs, Netball. Illustration, Bridges Beginners, French perspective of World War II, Creative Writing, Amazing Places, Horror in reading and writing, Languages around the world and I have violin lessons within the school day.

One day I hope to become part of MI5 but for now I will enjoy my time at school and I look forward to helping out the younger students in the future.