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Denmark Road High School is committed to promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy applies to all staff, governors and those visiting the school.  A copy of this policy can be found here.

If you or your child is ever concerned about their own well-being and safety or that of a friend.  They should report their concerns to a member of the safeguarding team.  



Denmark Road High School Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead Kate Pope - popek@denmarkroad.org
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Julia Simpson - simpsonj@denmarkroad.org
Safeguarding Level 3 Trained Staff Ollie Brown browno@denmarkroad.org
Janelle Ible iblej@denmarkroad.org
Emily Harding hardinge@denmarkroad.org
Alan Shipman shipmana@denmarkroad.org
Nico Bazac bazacn@denmarkroad.org
Vicki Mannion mannionv@denmarkroad.org
Lindsay Harvey harveyl@denmarkroad.org
Gemma Whaley whaleyg@denmarkroad.org
Safeguarding Trustee Amie Dew dewa@denmarkroad.org


All staff employed by the school are subject to enhanced DBS clearance, other pre-employment checks and a full induction process.  All staff at the school have completed training in the following: Child Protection, FGM Awareness, Prevent Strategy and Mental Health awareness.  All staff at Denmark Road also sign the Staff Code of Conduct and Acceptable IT user agreement.  Safeguarding at Denmark Road High School is supported by regular updates and training which are calendared throughout the school year.  This is to ensure that all staff have relevant and appropriate working knowledge to allow them to support the young people in our care everyday.


Denmark Road High School Encompass Letter


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.  Safeguarding encompasses the following:

Child Protection Staff Conduct
Safer Recuitment School Environment
Mental Health Awareness PSHCE Curriculum
SEN & Inclusion Attendance
Anti-bullying Behaviour Management
Whistleblowing Health & Safety + E-Safety
Transition Arrangements Extended Services

At Denmark Road High School our priority is keeping children safe.  Students who feel safe and supported are able to learn more effectively and achieve their potential.  With this is mind as a school we are proactive in identifying and supporting students who would benefit from having additional support.  As a school we are very aware that no one professional working with a family can have a complete picture of a child’s needs.  The school works closely with our allocated Early Help Coordinator and other external agencies to identify children and families who would benefit from early help.  We aim to develop strong relationships with our students and their families to ensure a positive programme of support for those students in need.

Please see the directory below for information on Gloucestershire's local offer.

Glos Families Directory - Advice, Support and Early Help Services

Glos Families Directory


The Wellbeing Centre is also used to support the safeguarding of students at Denmark Road.  The Centre is used by students and staff to meet with parents/carers and external professionals to promote all aspects of student wellbeing and safety.

Denmark Road High School fully recognises our responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children and young people in our care, and that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

This system is described in statutory guidance that can be found below:

Working Together to Safeguard Children

Keeping Children Safe in Education

If you are aware of any safeguarding issues during the school holidays please email head@denmarkroad.org and add 'Safeguarding Concern' into the subject area.  Any email sent marked for safeguarding will be responded to within 24 hours.